O Sutkus žinomas kaip velnias.Fotografas Bucharoje žinojo jį.
O kokia prasme velnias?
Gero žinomumo prasme.
I hope that one day, he will take time to developpe the 500 000 pictures he has! It's such an important testimony about your country, and also about a time now disappeared..I like his pictures very much!
O Sutkus žinomas kaip velnias.
AtsakytiPanaikintiFotografas Bucharoje žinojo jį.
O kokia prasme velnias?
AtsakytiPanaikintiGero žinomumo prasme.
AtsakytiPanaikintiI hope that one day, he will take time to developpe the 500 000 pictures he has! It's such an important testimony about your country, and also about a time now disappeared..I like his pictures very much!